CG Aristoteles

❤ Ari ❤ 

Besitzerin: Urska Kramer/Slovenien.

Größe: 42 cm / Gewicht: 10,4kg

HD-A /  ED-0 / Ari ist als Deckrüde zugelassen! ❤

Hobbys: Agility, Frisbee

Ausbildung: Agility Klasse 2

Beschreibung von Urska über Ari, danke! 😘

After waiting almost 15 years to become owner of a pyrshep, with Ari my big dream finally has become reality. I believe he was meant to be mine because I really did not plan nor expect to become a puppy owner at the time when he was born. I just took care of our son who was like 4 months old. I never could imagine to take care of 2 babys. But I have to admit this was the best time of my life! One of my friends sent a message via FB writing: hey, I saw that in Germany they have a cool litter of baby pyris, the boys still look for their owners. since you are at home with the baby and have a lot of time(obviously this friend of mine still does not have children… lol), I am sending you the link of the page so you can take a look! I replied: you must be joking, a have to take care of my baby 24/7! No way I get a puppy now! But I just had to have a look at the page and the puppys…
We traveled 12hours with our son to finally meet our Ari! At first he was not impressed, his brothers showed more interess for us. But as soon as we got home he was 100% ours!
The first 6 months I spent like 24 hours a day with him and our son and did really a lot to socialize him and show him the big world!
As a small baby he was just a little bit scared of other dogs and new inviroments but as he grew he became more and more selfconfident. I think his name just fits him perfectly, because he really is a little thinker- Aristoteles.
Also while working at first he did not show all his potential and I worked carefully and step by step with him to let him gain confidence and speed. With 19 months he is really motivated to work, he likes to tug, he is crazy about running and playing. I am so happy with him and I love how he enjoys to work with me.
But what is even more important: he is a perfect family dog, he loves to cuddle, he loves my son, he is so gentile with him and tolerates him 100%. And he is totally open to meet new people. when he gets to know you he accepts you and gets crazy every time he sees „his“ people.
He is also really cool with other dogs also with male dogs, never got into a conflict or fight.
Many people say he does not behave like a pyrshep because he is so open and social.
He has such energy in his little body: 42cm, 10,6 kg and a bunch of pure energy.
We love him to bits and we could not wish for a better furry family member!

Videos & Fotos

Ari 8 Monate:

Ari 6,5 Monate alt:

Puppy Time:

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