CG Apachi


Besitzerin: Agnes Temesvari/Ungarn

Größe: 44 cm ( 18 Monate), 13,4kg

Hobbys: Hüten, Agility

Beschreibung von Agnes über HI, danke: 😘

Hi is relatively big boy, biggest in the litter, standing at cc. 44 cm and 13,4 kgs of pure muscle, but it’s his personality that is for sure larger than life. He’s endlessly happy, always wagging his tail, always on the move, doing a million things at once, I usually say he’s ‚buzzing‘ all the time, because he’s literally vibrating from energy. Even when sleeping, he’s always ready for action instantly. He’s a very typical pyrshep, not trusting strangers, but way crazy about everyone he knows. He’s cute beyond belief and definitely not below using it to his advantage every day 😀 At home he’s very sweet, laying on the couch beside me and actually being very interested food. Outside he’s a total maniac, running around full speed non-stop with a ball in his mouth and finding anything and everything gross to eat and/or roll into.
He fit into our family extremely well and despite any of my worries the are the perfect couple with my crazy Szikra. He charms everyone with his striking good looks and silliness. He’s super talented at anything he tries, be it herding, frisbee or agility, he just needs a much better handler 😛 He has beautiful, flowing movement and he can turn on a dime, I love watching him just let it all out and run like hell. His coat is very easy to manage, even though one of his favourite hobbies is to try and attract as many burs as he can. He has a way of brightening even my worse days. I’m really trying to measure up to him with my training, he’s inspiring me every day to think outside the box and have fun doing it! He’s nutty about toys, loves them all with passion, but especially balls, fluffy balls, squeaky balls, tennis balls, you name it 🙂 He’s living in an apartment in central Budapest and adapted to big city life especially well, he has no problem with public transportation or walking in downtown, not afraid of noisy traffic or crowds, very curious and determined. Of course he has tons of energy on off-leash walks and I haven’t really seen him tired since he was 5 months old. He’s not afraid of shots or fireworks. His health testing is planned for the first half of 2017. He’s very confident, impatient 🙂 , self centered, driven, intelligent , beautiful, sweet, goofy, I could praise him all day, he has tons of virtues. 🙂 He certainly got the best from both his awesome parents. He’s everything I could’ve ever dreamed about and more! I’m crazy about the goblin 
Big thanks to Christina and Michael for letting him move to Budapest.

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