MikMik ❤

Besitzerin: Nina Causevic/Spanien

Größe: 37,5 cm

Hobbys: Tricks, Agility

Ausbildung: Agility Klasse 1,2,3 Läuft auf nationalen und Internationalen Meisterschaften mit! 💪

Beschreibung von Nina über MikMik, danke!😘

I was asked by MikMik’s breeders, Michael and Christina, to write something about MikMik so that they could put it on their website ( Sure, it was about time to write something about this special someone, who came into my life when I most needed her. I remember how much I really wanted this puppy, how much I wanted her, and how I heard the song I Was Born to Love You by Queen that day when she was born. This is it! My baby was born only to love me, to bring back the joy to my life when I most needed her. Afer five brave boys finally the little mouse came out. After eight LOOOOONG weeks I finally got to meet her. Shock, she was like the smallest thing I have ever seen, full of hair, she had no legs and VERY big ears, so basically a ball of hair with two big ears and some sparkling little eyes somewhere in the middle of that hair. Pretty? I’d rather say funny and clumsy, she seemed much more unbalanced than my other puppies, but she had no legs! Well, so I took that funny but CUTE little puppy home. She was so frightened when she came home she crawled under the couch and basically didn’t want to come out for a few days. She didn’t like the flight home at all, she didn’t like her new home, she didn’t like her new owner, she was in pure shock. I sometimes think the breeders just gave her the most perfect home that she didn’t want to leave 😀 I have had a fearful pyrshep before and I soon realized that it’s not fear that she was having, it was the separation from her first home. And she is like that, she is highly DRAMATIC, sensitive, stubborn, independant and honestly „hard to get“, not just playing it 🙂 But well, I can’t help but like her, since that sounds pretty much like me, how could I blame her? After lots of bonding and spending time together I was finally getting her on my side and she was finally all mine. We started really enjoying spending time together, she absolutely loves doing tricks and I LOVE her attitude – hectic, nervous, chaotic, funny, speedy, just my type of a dog. She even got some legs with time, lost lots of hair and surprisingly grew into the most beautiful and probably the smallest face rase pyrshep in the world! 

That’s OK, I love how small she is. She is about 36.5cm and barely has 6kg. So cool, she can fly in the cabin with me, she fits in every pocket and she looks like a forever-puppy 🙂 How cool is that? She is crazy for working in general, but agility was very hard with her. As I said, she is highly dramatic and SENSITIVE, she didn’t want to play, she would lose interest very soon and it was hard to get speed out of her. I have lots of experience with that, but with her it was really hard, I just wanted her to run and not think, not worry, not try to be perfect. No way, that is not her, she just wants to be perfect in everything she does, in her eyes agility was about thinking, not about running. Why run fast if you can make a mistake? She had quite the opposite idea of me about agility – I just wanted her to run and have fun, be crazy, who cares about everything else. For me it was hard to understand that, until I took up some tennis classes and I realized I am exactly like her, I shut down whenever I don’t do things perfectly and even when I do, in my eyes it is still not perfect enough and I feel like the biggest disaster in the world, when my trainer would say I am doing just fine or really well. I was starting to understand her better and better, I used all my energy into coming up with ideas how to make agility fun for us and little Miss Perfect is today really enjoying agility, she barks and spins and jumps like crazy before every run, she runs fast and has fun, and of course – she does everything PERFECT 🙂 She is probably one of the easiest dogs to handle and running in front of other people and dogs makes her even faster, afterall she needs to show how perfect she is.
In life she is a happy little dog, she likes playing with other dogs, as long as she knows them, she loves to cuddle, usually ignores people (but you can always buy her with food, though), not afraid of anything (maybe just the annoying vacuum cleaner), very easy to live with, she gets along really well with other dogs, although she is kind of bossy, the smallest, but since she is so pretty and smart everybody just loves her, dogs and people. On the other hand, she is very mine and does not accept other people in her heart easily, she would take food from you, if you are lucky she might like you enough to let you cuddle her, but NO WAY can you take her in your arms, she panicks and screams. That’s a lovely pyrshep quality she has, I love that she is to some degree reserved to people, I never wanted a social butterfly. She is simply adorable, she has the prettiest face ever, she loves to cuddle on the couch, she is gentle and well… TINY. I think she was really born to love me, I have learned so much with her, I love her to bits. Thank you Michael and Christina for your trust, I know how hard it was for you to let the only girl from the litter go so far away from you home, but I wish you could see how happy she is now, how much she is loved and adored, how much she loves her new family and how special she is to us all. 

Videos & Fotos

Ganzer Agility Parcoure mit 19 Monaten:

MikMik mit 18 Monate:

MikMik mit 15 Monaten: MikMik Summer 2016

MikMik mit 7,5 Monaten:

MikMik mit 5,5 Monaten

MikMIk mit 4 Monaten

MikMIk mit 4 Monaten

Das erste Video mit 11 Wochen:

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